Culture Statement
Manchester Camerata aims to create a culture of mutual trust and respect in all parts of its musical and administrative team.
This enables individuals to give of their best, and to be part of making a positive impact for our audiences and communities.
We encourage everyone associated with us to:
1. Be mindful of and respect others.
2. Recognise the importance of individuals feeling heard.
3. Be mindful of our core principles: Humanity – Originality – Excellence – Fearlessness.
Our musicians
Our orchestra give us sound, excitement and creativity, making Manchester Camerata the innovative ensemble it is today.
Music Director
Gábor Takács-Nagy

There’s a real trust between myself and the musicians, and with this comes an openness to taking risks – creative risks that help us achieve the unimaginable. The composer feels an emotion and finds the notes for it – we performers have to find the spiritual values behind each note. This drives me musically – I am not a genius but hopefully have antennas to them.
Caroline Pether

Resident Music Therapist
Amina Hussain

- Caroline Pether Leader 3/4
- Tom Aldren Co-Leader/No 2
- Will Newell Principal 2nd violin
- Rosemary Attree
- Anthony Banks
- Gemma Bass
- Coco Inman
- Catherine Landen
- Sophie McQueen 6
- Rebecca Thompson
- Sarah Whittingham
- Alex Mitchell Principal
- Rachel Jones
- Alistair Vennart 8
- Vacancy
- Hannah Roberts Principal 7
- Barbara Grunthal
- Graham Morris
- Christopher Murray
- Steph Tress
Double Basses
- Daniel Storer Principal 1
- Diane Clark
- Amina Hussain Principal
- Sarah Whewell
- Rachael Clegg Principal
- Mary Gilbert
- Vacancy
- Lynne Fell
- Ben Hudson Principal
- Rachel Whibley
- Naomi Atherton Principal
- Mark Bennett
- Tracey Redfern Principal
- Pete Mainwaring
- John Melbourne Principal
- Janet Fulton Principal 2
Musician Sponsors:
1 Kathy Arundale (Anthony Banks & Daniel Storer)
2 John Caine (Janet Fulton)
3 Penny & John Early (Caroline Pether)
4 Michael Grindrod & Kathleen Baker (Caroline Pether)
5 The Pantall family, on behalf of John (Naomi Atherton)
6 Gill Williamson (Sophie McQueen)
7 Ron and Jill Robinson (Hannah Roberts)
8 Realstrings (Alistair Vennart)
Donate today.