Leaving a donation or gift in your will has a powerful impact for ours and even future generations.
People leave gifts to Manchester Camerata in their wills for various reasons. Some have directly benefitted from the social care via our Dementia Cafés across Manchester, while others believe in the power of music or have a fond memory of one of our performances and want to ensure its legacy continues for future generations.
Through an informal chat with us we can focus your gift to a specific area of work that holds the most significance for you. Alternatively, you can leave an unrestricted gift, allowing us to spread your legacy across the Orchestra’s work.
We are in the early stages of creating an ambitious and transformational Future Fund, a growth fund to sustain our impact and our artistic excellence – at a time when musicians, emerging talent, and the next generation of talent face huge challenges. Long-term support for Manchester Camerata celebrates a commitment to the ability of music to connect us all and to provide what our Music Director Gábor calls the “spiritual healing power of music” for our time and as a gift for future generations of musicians, audiences and communities in Manchester, the North and more widely.
Our vision is for a different kind of capital investment, one that supports people rather than being tied up in buildings. This will be a Future Fund backed by people who love the arts and want to support the people who create the ”spiritual medicine” of our music – our musicians. The Fund will provide a long-term, crisis-proof, income stream to Manchester Camerata that means we can continue to deliver on our commitments to:
- Excellence and originality through the quality and craft of our musicians.
The way we work and develop artists results in new performance standards and bold originality in all that we do. We take inspiration and energy from visionary leaders and risk-takers like Gábor Takács-Nagy. Above all, we operate and play with humanity, empathy, and compassion. We always seek to create human connections whenever and wherever we perform.
- Securing the future talent pipeline in Manchester and the North.
We develop diverse talent and those who share our commitment to work both on the concert platform and with our local communities. We are committed to supporting and mentoring younger players who are the rising and future stars and will secure our artform, its excellence and originality, for everyone for the future.
We welcome conversations with philanthropists who are considering pledging legacy support.
How to update your Will
There are many affordable ways to create or amend your Will, however we do advise using the services of a solicitor. If you would like to amend your Will and include Manchester Camerata as a beneficiary, there is no need to re-write your Will, you can instead complete a codicil to add a gift. Below is some useful wording to help you put this together, which we recommend you review with your solicitor.
I give to Manchester Camerata, The Monastery, 89 Gorton Lane, Manchester, M12 5WF. (“the Charity”) the sum of £___ /or ___% of my estate. I express the wish (but without imposing any legal obligation) that the money be used for _____. I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other appropriate officer for the time being of the Charity shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executors.
To further discuss and chat with us about leaving a legacy to Manchester Camerata please get in touch with our Head of Philanthropy, Ruth Ellul at rellul@manchestercamerata.com.
Already leaving a gift to Manchester Camerata in your Will?
If you have already included Camerata in your Will, we’d love to be in touch to show you the impact of your support during your lifetime, as well as confirming how you’d like your gift to be acknowledged.
Please do get in touch with Ruth Ellul, via email here.
We are in the early stages of creating an ambitious and transformational Future Fund, a growth fund to sustain our impact and our artistic excellence – please see here for further details.

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leaving a Legacy >