Keep your eyes peeled for a new campaign alerting people under 30 of our £10 tickets!

Bright, colourful posters are covering Greater Manchester adorned with slogans targeted at a younger audience – highlighting an accompanying £10 ticket deal.

There are 10, variations in total of the poster, the poster slogans such as “centuries of clout”, “it’s like the club, but different”, “hits different” and “orchestra and chill” take reference points from popular culture and apply them to the orchestral world, inviting people to see the art form in a way they perhaps wouldn’t expect.

The poster campaign is supported by a digital video campaign in which members of the Camerata marketing team dressed in black are seen putting up posters in places which normally would be removed quickly such as Piccadilly train station, on a huge bus and at a metro stop. – Manchester Camerata does NOT support flyposting of any description – the smaller posters in the video were removed shortly after filming.

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